Private Midwifery Care for all, because every woman needs…
a midwife.
Our Philosophy
Mum, Babe & Meg believe that pregnancy is an expression of wellness and understand the role of a midwife to be a supporter, encourager, equipper, educator and believer in women’s bodies to grow, birth and nurture their babies and themselves. Working in partnership with women, Mum, Babe & Meg provide continuity of midwifery care across the entire pregnancy, birth and postpartum continuum to support physiology by focusing biology to address imbalances before the consideration of interventive practice.
Mum, Babe & Meg believe women should have access to quality, diverse healthcare options irrespective of geographical location and tailor care to consider the needs of rural women and their families.
Our services
Pregnancy care from the comforts of home.
Servicing Parkes, Forbes, Canowindra, Cowra, Young, Boorowa and surrounds.
Continuity of care by a known midwife is demonstrated to increase women’s clinical and emotional experiences of pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum, including increasing the chance of spontaneous onset of labour and vaginal birth and decreasing the rate of preterm labour, instrumental and surgical birth and use of analgesia in labour and birth.
~ Sandall et al., (2024)