Welcome to the booking page!

Please choose the service you wish to access and view available appointment times. If you can't find a time that suits, please don't hesitate to call Meg on 0499947030 (respecting our office hours for non-emergency calls are Mon-Fri 10am-5pm) and we will be happy to find a time more suitable.

Please note this is for booking purposes only, and clients will be issued with invoices following consultations. There are currently no booking or cancellation fees because we understand that sometimes life happens!! We ask that you respect us by valuing our time and make every effort to attend your set appointment, or contact Meg via phone/text on 0499947030 at your earliest convenience to notify of your intention to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

While you're here, why not save Meg's number to your phone! If you're booking an appointment, I know we're going to be friends!